Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

This past weekend was Halloween (in case you have been hidden under a rock and didn't know). I had procured a pea-in-a-pod costume for free off our local mothers' list-serv, so a pea-in-a-pod is what Little G was. We originally planned on attending a party at a friend's house, in which case I was going to put black eye makeup on and go with Little G as the Black Eyed Peas...but we ended up going out of town for the weekend so my genius costume plan was thwarted.*

Poor kid didn't even get to show off his costume to anyone; these pics were taken in our dimly lit hotel room while my husband was in a meeting all day.

Oh least I got to marvel how cute he was :)

*Since not a one of us could go to the party I told the hostess that we would be there, but that Little G was going as the Balloon Boy and we were going as his parents...which meant that Little G was off floating somewhere and we were out looking for him. Truthfully, I feel that was probably the most realistic costume at that party...but apparently others felt we were cheating.


  1. omg he looks adorable! can't wait for another bee meet up to see you two again :)

  2. I like the one where he appears to be eating the pea closest to him :).

  3. That costume is unbelievably cute!!!

  4. Hooray for putting our little ones into embarrassing get-ups! And it's really all about the photos anyway; at least you got some adorable ones....

  5. I totally love that costume!

  6. Love it that he's totally noshing on the top pea! Never too early to start eating your 5 servings of veggies a day :)

    I'd love to see how he looks like in his bumbo! And have you guys got one of those jumperoo things? Eva's legs are like motorized, we're tempted to try one of those out.

  7. cutest costume ever!! he's a quite a cutie too!
