Tuesday, December 06, 2011


July is the beginning of the summer when there is still promise of what is to come. July is when we celebrate our nation's and my son's birthdays. This year, July meant my in-laws coming to visit, a trip to Philly (without a toddler) to see U2, an extended time of vacation at my mom and sister's house and of course, our yearly trip to the beach.

I grew up a mile from the ocean. I'm a Jersey Girl. Not of the MTV variety...but of the Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Down-the-Shore variety. My family has all transplanted elsewhere around the country, but we still yearn for summer at the beach. A couple of years ago, my sister and I decided to stop talking about getting back to the beach and go for it. We wanted to introduce our kids to the roar of the waves and the joy of skidding along them on a boogie board. To the beauty of the ocean first thing in the morning and the chaos of the beach in the middle of the afternoon. And to how much sweeter ice cream tastes when there is salt on your lips.

We go in July and thus my year is neatly divided into two parts...I spend August through December remembering how great the beach was and January through June looking forward to our next trip.

July was my favorite month of 2011 and I am already looking forward to it being my favorite month of 2012.

I am participating in WEverb11 this year (to the best of my abilities, what with a newborn in the house).  The prompt for December 6 was:


What was your favorite month of 2011? Why did it beat out all 11 other months?

Learn more about WEverb11 and sign up to receive the prompts

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