Well, I fell off my picture project bandwagon and now I'm feeling rather disappointed with myself. The problem is, I usually have an idea of what I want to take a picture of, but by the time I get around to taking a picture of it, I either don't have my camera or a phone nearby or I just don't feel like doing it because I know I won't have the time to upload it. That and I put WAY too much pressure on myself to take an artistic, beautiful picture when I that really isn't my skillset.
Instead, I thought I would catch up on the few that I missed recently by using the photo prompts as blog prompts. Because, in the end, the purpose is to help me be a bit more creative in my thinking so who cares if its words vs. pictures, right?
Ok...here goes nothing...
9/10 - Today's Mood -- That Saturday was our annual block party and while I had visions of getting an amazing picture of my son bouncing around like a lunatic in the bouncy house to capture the joy of the day, the reality of the day was that I was having a bad day and was really in a bad mood. I didn't know any other way of taking a picture of my bad mood, so I ignored it and instead worked on trying to better my mood
9/11 - What inspires me -- Ah yes...herein lies my age old problem. I hate answering questions like this because I always get stuck thinking that my answer will be recorded until the end of time and I will never be able to say, 'shoot, that wasn't what inspires me...THIS inspires me...'. So I was frozen with indecision. Truly, what I should have done was take a screen shot of my Pinterest page, because that never fails to inspire me.
9/12 - Daily routine -- the 12th was a Monday and Monday's aren't a routine day at all. But one thing I DO do every morning, is check my email on my iPhone while still in bed.
9/13 - Today's news -- hmmm...not sure what the news was that Tuesday. In fact, I'm pretty sure I probably never even got a chance to see the news because Tuesdays are our busiest days and I'm usually out of the house with Little G all day
9/14 - The weather -- yeah...I don't remember that.
9/15 - Today's small pleasure -- Thursday's small pleasure is always going to bed knowing that the next day is a daycare day and I'll hopefully be able to get some work done
9/16 - In the bathroom -- A fun picture of Little G's bathtub frog would have been a great choice...especially against the pink tiled background.
9/17 - In the mirror -- We went to the Big E this day...my guess is I could have found a fun house mirror somewhere!
9/18 - What I wore today -- yoga pants...maternity shirt...sweater... it's what I wear every day these days
9/19 - Where I feel good -- pretty much the only thing that doesn't ache at this point in my pregnancy are my elbows...which leads to the question...can you take a picture of your own elbow?
9/20 - Tea time -- I don't drink tea...but I did pass a Tea-vana store in the Pru yesterday and I thought about how much I don't like tea
9/21 - Sunday morning -- My husband gets up with Little G on the weekends...so maybe I should have taken a picture of the rats nest of pillows I leave behind when I eventually DO get up for the day ;)
Alright...now that we're all caught up, maybe I WILL try to take at least one more picture over the course of this monthly challenge.
And tell me...am I the only person on the planet who can't even handle one month of daily fill-in-the-blank-ing?
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